How-to Guides
Depending on your pricing tier, you may be able to make use of the Dialboard feature within your app.
What is the Dialboard?
The Dialboard is a screen in the app that displays a set of important numbers for your community.
You can use the Dialboard for emergency contacts, departmental phone numbers, or even as advertising space.
The Dialboard is also home to the optional Call Back Button, which is an additional feature that Fabrik offers you. See the last section on this page for information on how this works.

How it works:
The Dialboard slides down from the top of the screen when the app member taps the "phone" 📞 icon in the top-right corner of your app.
If you don't have the option of using the Dialboard or your would prefer not to, the phone icon will simply be connected to one phone number of your choice. (You can also choose to hide the phone icon entirely.)
For the best user experience, you can add up to 9 numbers on your Dialboard.
Note that, when a member taps on any of these icons, they are redirected to their device's Phone application in order to place the call. Therefore, the call is connected over their cellular network and not via the app.
To customise your Dialboard, send us the following:
Title of each listing (see specs below).
Phone number for each listing.
Icon for each listing (see specs below).
The hex code of the colour in which you'd like the icons and text to appear.
Title Specifications:
Try to keep the name to a maximum of 20 characters. If the title is longer than 20 characters, it will be shortened on many devices.
Icon Specifications:
Dimensions: The height of each icon should be a maximum of 142px.
Filetype: Send each icon as a transparent .PNG file with no background.
File-size: As small as possible for quick loading on the app.
Colour: A light colour is suggested as the Dialboard background is dark.
The Call Back Button
The Call Back button (also known as "Cloud Concierge") is a feature that empowers your app member to send you a "please call me".

It is a useful feature if you:
are not always contactable via telephone and would prefer to call people back when you have the time.
offer a helpdesk or call-centre service to your app community.
would like to save your member on cellular costs by calling them instead.
would like to offer an advertiser the an opt-in feature from within your app.
How it works:
When a member taps on the Call Back button, they will see a notification asking them to confirm that they'd like to be contacted.
Should they agree, an automated message will be sent to a private channel of your choice that only those selected individuals within the channel will receive (e.g. your team).
It is then up to those individuals to call the member back.
Title: By default, the button is titled "Request a Call Back". This can be customised to a title of your choice.
Icon: By default, the icon will be a bell, but this can be customised to an icon that you send to us.
Colour: The Call Back button and title will appear in the same colour as the Dialboard information.
Channel information: The name of the private channel in which you'd like to receive these Call Back requests, as well as the registered phone numbers of the individuals who need to respond to the requests.